Power Heavy Duty is pleased to offer a program with WEGMANN Automotive USA, Inc. effective October 25, 2017.
Products Available:
-Perfect Equipment Brand Prdoucts
-Hofmann Power Weights
-Wheel Balancing Weights
Program Advantages:
-Program Quarterly Rebate
-PPD Freight
-No Minimum Ofder Quantities
Program Contact: Herson Estrada, herson.estrada@wegmann-automotive.com
General Information:
Perfect Equipment and Hofmann Power Weight are brands of the WEGMANN automotive family of brands. WEGMANN automotive has a long history of success and features companies and brands all over the world. With fully owned and operated manufacturing, distribution and sales facilities strategically located worldwide, WEGMANN automotive is able to provide a supply chain advantage that no other wheel balance weight manufacturer can.
If you are already buying from WEGMANN Automotive USA, Inc. please notify your Program Manager to help ensure you begin receiving the new program benefits.
Please see the Supplier Programs “Toolbox” on www.powerheavyduty.net for complete details on WEGMANN Automotive USA, Inc.