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Fight For Your Right To Repair

Support the REPAIR Act, Support the Independent Aftermarket


The REPAIR Act will ensure vehicle owners and aftermarket providers have access to the information and tools needed to keep trucks – and the U.S. economy – running smoothly. The future of our industry depends on equal access to the tools and information needed to repair commercial vehicles. It’s not a matter of staying competitive, it’s a matter of survival. The fight for right to repair is the fight that will ensure the continued viability, vitality and vigor of the independent aftermarket and our end-user customers. The Repair Act legislation is critical to independent aftermarket distributors and service providers, as well as hundreds of thousands of fleets and owner-operators.


If you own, operate, service, repair or supply parts for medium and heavy duty trucks, tractors and trailers...


TAKE ACTION NOW! Make Your Voice Heard!


We’ve made it quick and easy for you … simply complete the brief form by clicking here or scan the QR Code to the right and your support for the REPAIR Act will be sent directly to your local congressional leaders. The more support it has, the more likely it is to become law – protecting consumer rights and the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of drivers, fleet operators, distributors, service technicians and business owners throughout the U.S.


The Auto Care Association presented a Right to Repair Overview & Update on June 5, 2024. To view a recording of that conversation, click here.