From modest origins to a leading buying and marketing group, Power Heavy Duty is celebrating its 30th anniversary of bringing its distributor, service provider and supplier network greater success, while growing its nationwide footprint to record levels.
Founded in 1994, its original membership of primarily heavy-duty spring and suspension specialists has grown to a record 224 locations throughout the U.S. adding 18 new members last year. Along the way, just as the original members provided customers with a smooth ride, Power Heavy Duty has steadily helped mitigate any bumps in the road of its network’s success.
“Thirty years ago, there was a need for a buying group to serve independent parts and service providers specializing in vehicle undercarriages. Power Heavy Duty filled that need by building a dedicated community in this segment and providing improved purchasing power, a true peer-to-peer network, and access to networking and marketing resources,” said Power Heavy Duty Founder Brett Upton. “The group has steadily expanded, helping our network – and ultimately end-user customers – operate more competitively through greater efficiency, cost effectiveness and overall productivity.”
Power Heavy Duty was acquired by VIPAR Heavy Duty in 2014 and is now part of the VIPAR Heavy Duty Family of Companies, bringing a wealth of new resources to its members such as greater access to a leading network of suppliers serving the entire truck and trailer; innovative technologies that provide greater efficiency and productivity; and a range of marketing and communications solutions.
“Power Heavy Duty joining the VIPAR Heavy Duty Family of Companies was significant in positioning us to include the full range of independent aftermarket parts and service distributors,” said VIPAR Heavy Duty President and CEO Chris Baer. “It has been a very successful union that brings greater value to our distributors and supplier partners, but more importantly, it delivers greater value to our end-user customers. The ‘Power’ brand is a critical part of our growth acceleration plans.”
Indeed, the combined footprint of Power Heavy Duty and VIPAR Heavy Duty distributors reached a milestone last year with more than 920 locations throughout North America, including over 600 service providers, with an estimated $2.5 billion in final point-of-sale revenue.
While Power Heavy Duty still strongly supports the spring and suspension market – including a close relationship with the Service Specialists Association – its nationwide network includes service providers and parts distributors of all sizes serving every market segment.
“Power Heavy Duty’s growth has been significant, but more importantly, it’s been strategic,” said Jim Pennig, vice president of business development for the VIPAR Heavy Duty Family of Companies. “The core of the network is independent, hard-working professionals and entrepreneurs. Regardless of size, location or the types of products and services offered, they want to do what is best for end-user customers. That’s something shared by every Power Heavy Duty member.”
For the last three decades, Power Heavy Duty has helped its members fulfill that mission.
“Our goal from day one was to support independent service specialists and parts distributors through access to the products they need – at competitive prices – and provide them the best support possible to achieve their full potential and be leaders in their markets,” said Upton, Power Heavy Duty’s director of business development within the VIPAR Heavy Duty Family of Companies. “And thirty years later, we’re still doing it!”